• We are in the process of building and establishing Yelonft as an art collective. Our primary focus is to deliver art to our community and holders. We plan to begin this journey with our own collections, which will help us lay a strong foundation and build a reputation. From there, we intend to bring in artists from web2, educate them about digital ownership, assist them in launching projects, and provide guidance and ideas. In the realm of digital ownership, we are early, and we firmly believe that as an art collective with successful collections of our own, we can drive interest from artists in web2, encouraging new adoption and growth while actively shaping the future of digital ownership in web3 and its potential for creative people.

    Our initial achievement includes the successful sell-out of our first 333 BTC Yelo Pixel Genesis collection on inscribed on the bitcoin blockchain, even amidst the challenges of a tough market for NFTs and Crypto. This achievement marks a significant step forward and aligns with our humble beginnings as we work towards establishing our art collective. Our interactions have led us to form valuable connections with tech enthusiasts who are diligently constructing the web3 landscape. By staying up-to-date with emerging trends and market dynamics, we find ourselves in an advantageous position.

    Our strength comes from having knowledge and being educated about web3 and digital ownership, as well as building a community. We are rooted in genuine faith in the technology and its future potential. Our overarching mission involves attracting talented artists from web2 and bringing their talent into web3, thereby extending their existing followings into this new realm. Throughout this journey, we aim to foster new adoption and ensure that our holders benefit from the value generated by our art collective and innovative art.

  • A 333 supply, sized at 128 x 128 inscribed for eternity on the Bitcoin blockchain.

    BTC Yelo 333 Genesis collection line work differs significantly from traditional pixel art linework. For example, no pixels on any Yelo have touching corners. Our line work is continuous; we designed the linework this way to give your Yelos a unique appearance.

    In fact, we might be the first pixel collection inscribed on Bitcoin with this particular style of line work. This approach sets our Yelos apart and adds a distinctive touch to the entire collection.

    Creating this type of pixel art required careful consideration with layering and attention to detail. We wanted to create a unique pixel look for our BTC Genesis collection.

  • Introducing the Soley Collection: An Abstract PFP collection on the Bitcoin blockchain, curretly exclusive to our BTC Yelo Genesis holders.

    As an art collective, the Soley Collection is an art project we are releasing under Yelonft that deeply ties into the lore of Yelo. We're excited to announce that Soley will make its debut by releasing the first set of 33 unique Soleys onto the blockchain sooner than you might have thought. Our goal is to deliver value and excitement to our holders. Soley stands as an extension of our brand identity for Yelo, bringing Yelo into the realm of digital fine art.

    The Soley Collection is destined to grow organically over time, resulting in an expansion of the number of holders. This exclusivity has been crafted to provide a unique privilege to our loyal BTC Genesis holders. Soley ties deep into Yelo's lore and will introduce an additional layer of mystery and significance to our branding. With each unfolding Yelo chapter, you will gain a deeper understanding of Yelo and what Soley represents.

  • Holders of BTC Yelo 333 Pixel Genesis collection are granted the same commercial rights as @yugalabs provides for Cryptopunks.

  • Our first genesis collection called BTC Yelo is where the storyline begins for every drop created by our founder and Artist David Michael. If you like sci-fi and mystery, ancient technology and aliens, you came to the right place. Be sure to check out our Lore section on our site as we gradually release the storyline for Yelo.